SGPA to Percentage Calculator – Best Converter for 2024

SGPA to Percentage Calculator

SGPA to Percentage Calculator

Sr No. SGPA Grading System Percentage

Grade Calculator

Grade Table

Subject Grade Grade Point Marks Range Percentage

Overall Results

Overall CGPA Overall Percentage Overall Grade

What Is SGPA to Percentage Calculator ?

Does your university also have an SGPA grading system, and do you want to convert your marks into percentages? Have you heard about a tool that can convert your SGPA into percentage? If you can face this type of problem, then don't worry a solution is available here.

SGPA to Percentage Calculator works

SGPA to Percentage Calculator Works

Elements of SGPA Calculator


The term semester comes from the Latin words "semi," meaning half, and "mensis," meaning month. A typical academic year is divided into two semesters: the fall semester (usually starting in August or September) and the spring semester (usually beginning in January or February). Each semester consists of 15 to 18 weeks.


Grades are an important part of the education system. They are used to evaluate students' subjects during the semester. The most common grading systems are letter and numeric. Like A = 90-100%, B = 80-89%, C = 70-79%, D = 60-69%, D = 60-69%.

Credit Hours

Credit hours are a primary concept in higher education. They are in numeric form and represent the amount of academic work for a course. One Credit hour has a simple rule one hour, one lecture, per week.

Grade Points

In simple words, multiplying your grades with credit hour equals grade points. Basically grade points is reflecting their academic performance over a specific period.

What is SGPA?

The Full-form SGPA is the Semester Grade Point Average, and this grading system is used to Evaluate student performance during the semester. Many universities use this SGPA system. However, each educational institute has its own unique SGPA criteria to judge student performance, which makes it challenging to remember. To provide you with a solution in the form of a valuable tool for students, it can allow them to convert their SGPA to a percentage and provide a clearer understanding of their semester performance.

How to Calculate SGPA ?

Let’s say we have 10 grade point system for calculation and you choose four course in a semester with following details:

Course Credit Hours Grade Grade Points Total Credit Points
Subject1 3 A 9 27
Subject2 4 B+ 8 32
Subject3 4 B 7 28
Subject4 3 A+ 10 30
Total 117
Total Credit Hours 14
SGPA: 8.36

How to Convert SGPA to Percentage?

Strategies to Improve Your SGPA