Difference Between Percentage vs Percentile

Percentage vs. Percentile
Percentage vs. Percentile

What is Percentage?

Our Tools

Percentage Formula with Example

Percentage to Fraction Table

Percentage Fraction
1% 1/100
5% 1/20
10% 1/10
12.5% 1/8
20% 1/5
25% 1/4
33.33% 1/3
50% 1/2
66.67% 2/3
75% 3/4
80% 4/5
90% 9/10
100% 1

What is Percentile?

How to Calculate Percentile

Percentage vs Percentile

Aspect Percentage Percentile
Definition Represents a part of a whole expressed as a fraction of 100. Indicates the relative standing of a value in a dataset.
Representation Denoted by the symbol “%”. Expressed as a rank or position, e.g., 25th percentile.
Calculation Calculated by dividing the part by the whole and multiplying by 100. Determined by sorting the dataset and finding the position relative to others.
Example Scoring 75% on a test means answering 75% of questions correctly. Being in the 90th percentile means scoring better than 90% of the other students.
Focus Shows the proportion of a specific value in relation to the total. Shows the rank or position of a value within a distribution.
Usage Commonly used for grades, discounts, and financial calculations. Commonly used for standardized test scores, rankings, and statistical analysis.
Data Requirement Does not require a distribution, just a part and a whole. Requires a dataset and involves ranking or ordering values.
Interpretation Indicates how much of the whole has been achieved. Indicates how a particular value compares to others in the dataset.

Usage in Academics

Importance of percentages and percentiles in career with Real life example



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